Solar Panels in Nepal | Selling to the Grid

A few years ago, selling electricity to the national grid of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) was impossible. Since 2018, Nepalese can now sell the electricity produced by renewable sources (Solar Panels, Wind Turbines, etc) to the national grid and make money. Now, one can install solar panels in Nepal and can earn Rs. 7.30 for each kWh (1 kWh) they sell.

In India, one can earn INR. 6/kWh.

The solar panel is one of the popular and convenient renewable sources of energy.

One can install 500W – 10KW (domestic level) to 10KW – 500KW (organizational level) powerful solar panels to sell the electricity to the national grid.

The cost of electricity in Nepal is relatively very low as compared to other nations’.

Due to this reason, people don’t want to spend on buying and producing electricity from other renewable means.

Electricity Consumption in Organizations

If you want a continuous supply of electricity at your home or your organization, using solar panels can be very efficient.

On the other hand, using petroleum generators cause a lot of air and sound pollution. It also has a lot of financial disadvantages in the long run.

There are two different ways of using solar panels:

  1. On-grid application &
  2. Off-grid application.

On-grid Solar Panels

On-grid application of solar panels is considered more environmentally friendly. It requires no use of the battery.

It powers home by the electricity and also supplies the over-produced electricity to the national grid.

The excessive energy produced during the day is supplied to the national grid by which people can earn money.

Several nations (including Nepal) have this policy for their citizens.

Off-grid Solar Panels

However, off-grid applications of solar panels are also referred to as isolated solar use.

It requires the battery to store the over-produced electricity and has no connection to the national grid.

Using a battery to store the electricity for later use invalidates the basic concept of using solar panels i.e. producing clean energy.

Because the lithium-ion battery is referred to as a pollutant in the atmosphere if not recycled properly.

So, off-grid solar panels are not recommended.

Cleaner and Greener Future

As the world moves towards a cleaner and the greener future, it is very important for every individual to act responsibly for a better environment.

There are plenty of usages of solar panels. It can be used while at home or while you are on an outing as well.

There are different types of foldable and portable solar panels available in the market that can power your smart devices while you are on the go.

Financial feasibility in using solar panels

In domestic or organizational use, most solar panel systems have about 5 years of return in the investment.

Most solar panels have a life span of more than 25 years.

Because of this long life span, you can use solar panels to generate revenue for more than 20 years. You can also enjoy the free and continuous supply of electricity for your home.

Customs Duty on Solar Panels

If you find the cost of solar panels expensive in Nepal’s market, you can purchase the panels from another country and you’ll have to pay only 1% for the customs duty as you import it to Nepal.

Other than this, if you want to light the streets by using solar lights then the state (province) government of Nepal can also fund you 70% of the cost required in the process.

Costs comparison of Tesla Solar Roof vs Other

The cost of a 10-kilowatt solar roof system by Tesla is about $39,000 for Americans.

However, the cost of the similar 15-kilowatt solar panels if imported from China costs less than $12,000 from Alibaba.

The cost of a 10-kilowatt solar roof panels system from Loom Solar (India) costs about INR. 7,10,000. Request a recent quote from the website.

The usefulness of Solar Panels in Nepal

The on-grid solar panels can be useful:

  • in the schools
  • hospitals
  • small-scale manufacturing industries
  • large-scale manufacturing industries

It can help to save electricity for the nation and can also financially benefit the organizations.

Most organizations require power during the day. Hence using the solar panels connected to the grid serves the purpose.

In general, the world requires more energy during the day and solar energy just fits perfectly for this need.

The use of electricity at your home is going to increase day by day as the number of electrical appliances increase.

You can buy solar panels in Nepal from the Nepali market, or from Loom Solar (India), or you can also import from China at affordable rates.

Electricity and other industry

After a decade of revolutionizing the automobile industry by introducing Tesla to the market, we have come to see a lot of improvements in electric vehicles.

Comparing the use and the production wastes, electric vehicles are found to be far more economic and environmentally friendly than gasoline cars.

And also the governments are putting the dates for the restrictions in using the gasoline vehicles.

solar panels
Solar Roof, Powerwall & Tesla Car

So, plan your future car to be an EV. 😉

Currently, the customs duty on the EV in Nepal is only 10%, however, for gasoline, it is about 80% (depending upon the cc of engines).

Even to charge your vehicles, you might require a lot of electricity in the future. Be prepared for the changes that you might have to go through.

If you have reached this far, I’d suggest you some eco-friendly links:

  1. World’s #1 Green Web Hosting by GreenGeeks – learn more here
  2. Buy Cheap Domains on NameCheap
  3. Buy everything solar from Loom Solar (India)
  4. Best portable solar panels [Amazon Best Seller]

I’ll make money if you purchase any of the above products by clicking the above links.






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