Coco | A Fun to Watch | Review

I’m not an anime fan but I do watch sometimes, the very highly recommended ones. Well, recently the one which I’ve enjoyed the most is Coco. Actually, I had seen one of my friend on Facebook had written a short post about it. He was complaining about his friend who forgot to mention to have the napkin by his side and just recommended the movie.

Sometimes, small things impress us. That post did. I immediately added that movie to my torrent list. ? Long after downloading, I watched that movie, but couldn’t in one sitting, because of the busy schedules. Most of the times, I do want to watch the movie in one sitting, because of the OCD kind of thing. ?

Talking about the movie, it is a musical family drama and it surely doesn’t fail to depict the strong father-daughter bond. The exquisite presentation of the movie makes us fall in love with our family members more. The music touches us so deep that it’s hard to stop the tears multiple times. Very rarely the emotional movie like this is made in the Hollywood industry. Though the plot somehow can be predicted, the movie always keeps on pleasing by the scenic screenplay.
I’d personally rate the movie 8/10.







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