Category: Experience

  • Experiencing trains in Melbourne

    The first thought when I saw the train was, “What the heck!?” It exactly arrived on time just as it appeared in the PTV application and also just as the speaker had announced. I mean no 15-20 mins delay! Wow. Everything was so well synchronized. Ok, forget about that long delays, but I had expected…

  • Getting Away From The Regrets

    Sometimes, it’s hard to find a better direction. Then comes a thousand of thoughts of how to choose the right way to go through the right path. Afterall, we’ve to make a decision and choose a path. And we do. But, most of the times, it’s not like, “I’ve chosen the path, now I’ll go through it…

  • शिक्षक हुँदाकाे अनुभव

    I like teaching, so I teach students. It’s not like that I have to teach, but it’s much more like I want to teach. I feel tremendously very happy when I’m able to make students understand something. Their priceless thanking face when they understand things is what makes me happy. After teaching for many years…