Category: Posts

  • Drown down the voices of minorities today and wait for the bloodshed tomorrow | Bheri River Incident

    Drown down the voices of minorities today and wait for the bloodshed tomorrow | Bheri River Incident

    Dear house of representatives, If you fail to take the action against those over 100 people, you’ll turn the nation into the slaughterhouse. There may be hundreds of wrong from either side, but the bigger picture clearly shows what the undermined unacceptable event has taken place. Everything is crystal clear. If the current government fails…

  • List of Provinces | Districts | Municipalities | Rural Municipalities of Nepal

    I had to go through Wikipedia and visit multiple pages to get all this data. I’ve tried to organize all this in one place. I hope this helps. Update* Now this is open-sourced as a Python project and available on GitHub: List of Provinces: List of Districts: List of Municipalities: If you find…

  • My Privacy and Google

    I think people don’t like surprises. More when it is concerned about their privacy. I know how Google takes all my data every day from the keywords that I use in the search, to the contents that I watch on Google platforms every day. I know what I get in return: More customized news, suggestions,…

  • That Monotonous Way

    When they say, “चार जनाको समूहले अन्धाधुन्ध गोली प्रहार गर्दा २०० जना भन्दा बढिको मृत्यु भएको छ” in the same monotonous way as they say, “राष्ट्रभर होली धुमधामका साथ मनाइँदै”, it feels somehow funny, but I’ve always loved it. As the news has been coming out from plenty of sources on the internet nowadays, it…

  • Benefits of She Calling You दाइ First

    Well, if you have not wondered about the benefits of you being called “दाइ” then, I must say there are plenty of ’em. I’ve mentioned some below: It takes the burden off of your head as you don’t have to bother about her feeling offended (or kinda rejected or may be disrespected) when you call…

  • Dear Google, Please don’t launch Pixel 4 if… | The Only Upgrade Needed

    Dear Google, Please don’t launch Pixel 4 if… | The Only Upgrade Needed

    Dear Google, Please don’t launch Pixel 4 if the battery is under 4000mAh. If there’s any reason that I’m going to upgrade my phone, then the most important one is the battery. I’m so done with Pixel 3’s battery. It doesn’t even last all day. If I take some pictures when I’m out, then, that’s…